How do I know if my child or I need dental braces or orthodontic treatment?

There are many reasons why a person might need dental braces on their teeth. In some cases, it may be a functional problem that requires correction or perhaps it is more of a desire for cosmetic dental correction resulting in an improved smile. As a certified orthodontist practicing in Mansfield and South Arlington Texas, I have found that the need for dental braces comes from a combination of factors involving both improved chewing function and cosmetic enhancement.

Most people are aware of their appearance enough to have an opinion about the attractiveness of their smile. If you are not confident with your smile, that is reason enough to consider improving your smile through orthodontics.

Several reasons why people need orthodontics or dental braces:

  • Crowded Teeth – Crowding not only affects the alignment and cosmetics of teeth but makes taking care of the teeth much harder. Food catches in the irregular places between the teeth creating areas prone to cavities and can cause the gums to be inflamed.
  • Spaced Teeth/Gaps between Teeth
  • Overbites
  • Cross Bites – A section of teeth or the alignment of the jaw causes the upper teeth to cross behind the lower teeth.
  • Jaw Imbalances – When one or both jaws are not the proper size then the upper and lower teeth do not come together correctly. Not only does this make chewing difficult and ineffective, it can be the reason why your face and/ or profile does not look esthetically balanced.
  • Sleep Apnea and Small Airways because of Small Jaws
  • Deep Bites – Excessive overbites cause uneven, aggressive, and premature grinding and wearing down of teeth. Eventually, deep bites lead to broken cracked and chipped teeth that are very costly to repair and maintain.
  • Protrusive or “Buck Teeth” – This may be from prominent upper teeth or from a short lower jaw that gives the illusion that the upper teeth are dominating the appearance of your smile.

If you think that you might have one or more of these conditions and could benefit from Invisible Braces, Clear Braces, Metal Dental Braces, Clear Aligners, or Invisalign; you should visit Tardy Orthodontics. We have been in private practice for over 25 years and have treated just about every type of situation.  At our first meeting, we will complete a comprehensive oral and facial exam, take a panoramic x-ray, and diagnostic photographs. We will discuss your goals, the different factors specific to you that need to be corrected and discuss the cosmetic components that would give you an attractive confident smile.

Tardy Orthodontics’ Mansfield Texas location is convenient to Arlington, Midlothian, Kennedale, Burleson, and Grand Prairie Texas.  We offer before and after school or work hour appointments each week. Call 817-453-8826 to take the first step to visit with your personal smile specialists.

Child in Metal Braces